Featured Articles & Education

Because good health is everything.

Super Nutrient in Simple Foods: Quercetin

Quercetin is a flavonoid polyphenol found in plants. Polyphenolic compounds are the micronutrient elements that are additional to vitamin and minerals. These important nutrients offer antioxidant benefits, known to protect…

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How Sugar is Affecting Your Metabolic Health?

“If only a small fraction of what is already known about the effects of sugar were to be revealed in relation to any other material used as a food additive,…

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6 Skin Rejuvenation Tips for Your Skin Concerns | West Valley Natural Skin Health

Are you struggling with acne?  Has your dewy complexion been replaced by dull, rough skin?  Maybe you’re seeing signs of sun damage and aging in the form of fine lines,…

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What Is Functional Medicine and How Can It Help You?

Your health is deeply personal – so why does today’s healthcare system feel so impersonal? Every visit to the doctor seems to end with a new prescription, which isn’t even making…

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