Sleep Problems

Sleep Problems

The National Sleep Foundation defines sleep problems as “difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or nonrestorative sleep.”

In some cases, these problems may indicate a medical condition that needs to be addressed by a professional. However, in most cases, they can be treated with behavioral changes and lifestyle adjustments. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), there are five categories of common sleep problems: difficulty falling asleep; waking up too early in the morning, waking up frequently during the night; restless legs syndrome; and snoring.


  • Difficulty getting 8 hours of sleep 
  • Restlessness 
  • Insomnia, 
  • Waking up frequently 
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Distressing sleep movements
  •  Irregular breathing

What causes sleep problems? 

Sleep problems can be caused by a number of factors, including stress, lack of exercise, noise, and the presence of lights in the room. Stress can cause people to have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, as well as make it difficult to wake up in the morning.

Lack of exercise is also a common cause of sleep problems. When people don’t get enough exercise, their bodies don’t produce enough melatonin, which makes it harder to fall asleep at night and stay asleep through the night.

Noise can also interfere with sleep because it keeps your brain active while you’re trying to fall asleep. Noise can include things like ticking clocks and other irritating sounds that keep your mind from relaxing enough for sleep. The presence of lights in the room can also interfere with sleep because light stimulates your nervous system and keeps your brain active longer than it should be during your sleep cycle.


According to the data, 

  • 1 in 3 Americans are sleep-deprived
  • More than 35 percent of Americans get less than seven hours of sleep per night – and 1 in 20 has fallen asleep at the wheel in the past month.
  • Drowsy driving is one of the most overlooked dangers on our roadways. It’s estimated that as many as 1,550 deaths and 40,000 personal-injury accidents are caused by drowsy drivers.

Why treating the root cause of sleep problems important? 

Sleep is an important part of your health. It helps you feel refreshed and energized, and it helps you think clearly and focus on important tasks. If you’re experiencing sleep problems, it can seem like all you can do is try to get by with less sleep. But this isn’t sustainable because not getting enough sleep will eventually wear your body down and make it harder for you to get restful sleep.

The only way to truly solve a sleep problem is by treating the underlying issue that’s causing it. For example, if someone has trouble falling asleep because they’re worried about their finances, then talking through their concerns with a financial planner or counselor might help them fall asleep more easily at night because they’ll have fewer worries weighing on their mind.

Are you wondering how to fight your sleepiness or what medications to take? Visit us on Benehealth’s website and connect to diagnose your disorder while working out a routine for you. Pharmaceuticals are not necessary to get a good night’s sleep, but getting to the root cause is necessary. 

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