PRP Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is an effective way to improve your body's growth regeneration while helping improve your body’s natural healing process. Whether you seek PRP Therapy for hair regrowth or sexual dysfunction, there is no better team to work with in Arizona than Benehealth! Learn more below and contact us to get started today.


What Is It?

PRP therapy, or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy, is a medical procedure in which a patient's own blood is drawn, separated, and injected into the affected area. The high concentration of platelets in the PRP helps to accelerate the healing process by providing growth factors that promote tissue regeneration, decrease inflammation, and reduce pain. This therapy is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions such as hair loss and sexual dysfunction.

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PRP Therapy for Hair Growth

At Benehealth, Microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is one of our top services. This treatment involves delivering highly-concentrated growth factors directly into the skin, which helps to repair and regenerate it. The growth factors also jump-start the natural healing cascade, providing a range of benefits including increased volume, reduced wrinkles, improved skin tone, and enhanced hair growth.

PRP Therapy for Sexual Dysfunction

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is an increasingly popular treatment for sexual dysfunction. This type of therapy uses a concentrated amount of platelets from the patient's own blood to help regenerate tissue, increase blood flow, and stimulate the body's natural healing process. This can help to improve sexual health by increasing sensation and arousal, as well as aiding with erectile dysfunction.


Safe and Effective Therapy

At Benehealth, we strive to make every procedure safe and effective for our clients. Before you can undergo PRP Therapy, our experts must complete a medical practitioner consultation to determine if this treatment is well suited for your needs.

If you are interested in improving your life through Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, look no further than partnering with our experts and Benehealth. With two convenient locations in Surprise and Glendale, AZ, there is no better place to receive your services! Contact us today.