
Adipose Reduction Mesotherapy in Arizona

Getting Rid of Stubborn Fat

Mesotherapy is a long-used treatment our team offers to help you reduce small areas of excess adipose. These areas include:

  • Submental (under chin)
  • Jowls
  • Abdomen
  • Dorsocervical (buffalo hump)
  • Back (bra strap bulge)

At Benehealth, we believe that looking your best and feeling your best go hand-in-hand, which is why we offer adipose reduction mesotherapy. This treatment uses sterile injections of PCDC, a natural compound solution that contains a mixture of a phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate.

Because the adipose is gradually liquefied and removed by the body's own processes, the treatment is gentle. The fat evenly melts away with more natural looking resuts. We combine high-intensity focused ultrasound and IV hydration, vitamins and fat burning nutrients PLUS access to our lifestyle program for sustained results.

How does adipose reduction mesotherapy work?

Adipose reduction mesotherapy uses PCDC (phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate) lipolysis action to reduce fat deposits. This is a medical procedure that involves the injection of a sterile solution containing PCDC into localized fat deposits in the body. The PCDC solution works by breaking down the membranes of fat cells, causing them to release their contents and shrink in size. The released fat is then metabolized by the body through natural processes.

After the fat is released from the fat cells, it is transported to the liver through the bloodstream. The liver then metabolizes the fat into energy that can be used by the body or stores it for later use. The process of metabolizing the fat is similar to the way the liver processes fat that is released during natural lipolysis.

Why Choose Benehealth?

At Benehealth, our team is focused on more than just helping you look good or lose weight. We’re a functional medicine and natural aesthetics treatment provider, which means that we work to help you achieve better health and wellness overall. Whether you have ongoing health concerns or want a natural aesthetics treatment to feel your best, we’re here to help.

How long does it take to notice the results?

The amount of time it takes for fat to dissolve with PCDC (phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate) lipolysis can vary depending on several factors, including the location and amount of fat being treated, the patient's individual response to the treatment, and the number of treatment sessions received. You must follow a post-treatment diet and be super-hydrated with water to ensure optimal metabolism and riddance of adipose.

In general, it may take several weeks or months to see noticeable results from PCDC lipolysis. Some patients may require multiple treatment sessions spaced several weeks apart to achieve their desired results.

Complimentary Consultation

This consultation is designed to be a collaborative and informative session, tailored to address your unique requirements. Together, we can explore potential solutions, strategies, or resources that may be beneficial to you. I look forward to our conversation and assisting you in any way I can.

Can I lose weight?

PCDC lipolysis is not a weight loss solution. It is designed to help reduce the appearance of localized fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. You should be within 20% of your ideal weight to be a candidate for mesotherapy.

It's important to note that while PCDC lipolysis can be effective in reducing localized small areas of fat deposits, it is not a replacement for a healthy diet, regular exercise, and overall health. You must discuss the expected timeline and potential results with a licensed medical professional before undergoing PCDC lipolysis treatment.

Additionally, PCDC lipolysis should only be performed by a licensed medical professional in a controlled clinical setting, and patients should thoroughly discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure with their healthcare provider before deciding to undergo treatment.These treatments have been approved and safely administered over decades in Europe, however, only some body areas are FDA approved in the US and is considered off-label.


What are the benefits of PCDC mesotherapy for dissolving fat cells?

Here are some of the benefits of PCDC mesotherapy when performed by a trained licensed practitioner:

  1. Targeted fat reduction: PCDC mesotherapy targets specific areas of the body where fat deposits are present. This makes it an effective treatment for stubborn fat. In addition, mesotherapy can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Plus, there is low to no risk of scarring and loose skin often seen with surgical liposuction.
  2. Non-surgical: PCDC mesotherapy is a non-surgical treatment that involves a series of injections. This means that there is no need for anesthesia or incisions, which reduces the risk of complications and downtime.Talk to your provider about at home relaxation treatments prior to procedure.
  3. Quick treatment: A PCDC mesotherapy session typically takes less than an hour, making it a convenient option for people with busy schedules. If larger areas of the body, it can take a little longer and may include IV therapy for hydration.
  4. Minimal side effects: PCDC mesotherapy is a minimally invasive treatment with few side effects. Some patients may experience mild bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site, but these typically resolve within a few days. We use cooling devise and ultrasound to reduce the discomfort.
  5. Long-lasting results: PCDC mesotherapy can provide long-lasting results when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, it is important to note that individual results may vary.
  6. Expert guidance: When performed by a licensed practitioner, PCDC mesotherapy is a safe and effective treatment. Licensed practitioners have the training and expertise to properly administer the injections and monitor patients for any potential complications.


It is important to note that PCDC mesotherapy is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. It is always recommended to maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine to achieve the best results.

Book an Appointment Today!

Getting started with our team is easy, and we’re always happy to answer any questions you may have about your treatment before your appointment, too! Schedule your consultation with us today!